The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) ranks among the top research centers in the field of polymer science worldwide. The institute was founded in 1983 on the campus of the Johannes Gutenberg University and commenced work in June 1984.
The focus on so-called soft materials and macro-molecular materials has resulted in the worldwide unique position of the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research and its research focus. The Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research offers ideal conditions for conducting outstanding research. The institute combines all the necessary specialized expertise – from the creative design of new materials, from their synthesis in the lab to their physical characterization as well as the theoretical understanding of polymer characteristics.
The Institute is divided into six working areas of basic scientific research into the field of polymers.
- Structure and Dynamics
- Proteins at Interfaces
- Functional Materials and Devices
- Approaches to Synthesis
- Development of Methods
- Supramolecular Architectures
There is strong interaction between the different departments working on interdisciplinary research projects. In addition the institute has several service groups at its disposal, e.g. analysis of polymers, spectroscopy, electronic data processing, x-ray structure analysis, atomic force microscopy and mechanical spectroscopy. Each service group is headed by one of the institute’s directors, but these services can be used by all the scientists at the institute.
The group involved in SuperCol is the Physical Chemistry of Polymers of prof. Katharina Landfester.
Personal bio
Group webpage
Institute web page