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Live Supercol Consortium Meeting In Lecce

Live Supercol Consortium Meeting in Lecce

On 12-14 October 2022 the SuperCol consortium met in the Italian town of Lecce, hosted by HiQ-Nano.

On Wednesday we welcomed two keynote presentations from speakers Prof. Giuseppe Mele (Università del Salento) and Dr. Elisa de Luca (Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia). Two inspiring presentations that opened nice discussions which were continued in the networking event later that day. Also, the SuperCol Fellows presented their latest results and work to each other. At night we were all submerged in Italian cuisine during a great informal cooking experience.

Thursday afternoon Chiara Marti & Andrea Micoli provided training on the topic of writing CVs, Cover letters and job applications.

Friday we were inspired by a great talk from dr. Mauro Moglianetti and a Career perspective panel discussion with Maria Ada Malvindi (HiQ-Nano), Sietske Zagers (ttopstart), Susana Roche (KU Leuven), Ellen van de Greef (Stahl) and Berend van den Berge (TU/e). The SuperCol consortium meeting week was concluded by a visit to IIT – Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies in Artesano, home of HiQ-nano.

We can all look back at a successful week with plenty of networking opportunities and great new connections with scholars in the field of Nanotechnology.

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