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Outreach: German Science Website Reports On SuperCol

Outreach: German science website reports on SuperCol

SuperCol PI Ingo Lieberwirth features in an article at the German science news website idw Nachrichten. The article, derived from a press release by Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P) highlights the use of super-resolution microscopy:

With light into the nanoworld – how optical microscopes allow detailed investigations of nanoparticles 

It sounds like trying to scan a record with a hammer: Light is actually too “coarse” to image small particles on the nanometer scale. However, in their project “Supercol”- funded by the European Union –  scientists want to achieve just that: The investigation of nanoparticles with light. To make this possible, they are combining Nobel Prize-winning methods with modern computer processes. The goal: the development of novel nanoparticles for biomedical applications.

Read more at idw Nachrichten (in German) or at MPIP (both in English and German).

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