Supercol/E-MRS speaker: Prof. David Pine
To start our session: “Nanoparticles: synthesis and interactions”, the Prof. David Pine will give a talk about “Self-assembly of patchy colloids for photonics”
He is a Chair of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department (since 2014) and a Silver Professor of Physics from January 2005 at the New York University.
His research involves soft mesoscopic materials, including colloids, emulsions, polymers, surfactant solutions, non-Brownian suspensions, and gels. He has used and developed light scattering techniques, especially multiple light scattering (diffusing-wave spectroscopy) to study the structure and dynamics of colloids and other materials. Currently, he focuses on many topics, including self-assembly, DNA-coated colloids, colloidal swimmers, lock-and-key colloids, random organization, and colloidal glasses.
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