SuperCol meeting in Fribourg
The SuperCol consortium met 28 February – 3 March at the border of the Schwarzsee, a picturesque mountain lake near Fribourg, Switzerland. The meeting was packed with presentations and training but also provided the joy of meeting one another and strengthening personal connections.
The meeting opened with the key lecture of guest speaker Prof. Lukas Novotky from ETH Zurich on Light-matter interactions on the nanoscale. During the days, all ESRs presented and discussed the progress of their research projects. Furthermore, case studies were performed provided by the SuperCol partner companies HiQ-Nano, Covestro and Stahl. Also training in Science Writing was provided by Harm Ikink from ElementC. And of course, there was time to enjoy the beautiful wintery scenery, go for a walk, have dinner together, and even plunge down a ski slope with sleds. The week ended with a trip to the Fribourg laboratories and spinoff company LS Instruments. We thank the University of Fribourg organizing team: PIs Guillermo Acuna and Frank Scheffold, together with ESRs Xhorxhina Shaulli and Aleksandra Adamczyk.