Prof. Francesco Sciortino received his Ph.D. from Palermo University, Italy. He was then post-doc with H. Eugene Stanley at Boston University. After a short stay in Cagliari, Italy (CRS4) he moved to Rome as Assistant and later on Full Professor at Sapienza Universita’ di Roma.
During his career he has been working on the thermodynamics of anomalous liquids, multiple critical points, liquid-liquid transition in water and tetrahedral liquids, glass transition in supercooled liquids, aging phenomena, percolation and phase transitions in complex fluids, aggregation phenomena in colloidal systems, cluster phases.
In the last years his research has focused on colloidal gels, patchy colloidal particle and all-DNA smart gels. He has been mentor of several Master, Ph.D. and Post-doc students, he has organised several schools, conferences, workshops and served in several international committees. The complete list of publications is available at
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