Outreach: SuperCol presented at website DTU Health Tech
SuperCol PI Rodolphe Marie features in an article on the website of SuperCol partner DTU Health Tech. The article was based on an earlier outreach publication of SuperCol which had already been adapted by SuperCol partner Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPI-P). It highlights the use of super-resolution microscopy.
The researchers now hope to use their method to study nanoparticles in the light microscope, which delivers faster results and does not destroy the particles. This will allow nanoparticles to be studied more precisely and comprehensively in the future, leading to new biomedical applications. One of these applications is biosensing, a technology that has become vitally important in the past years during the pandemic.
Rodolphe Marie: “We are so lucky that the team at DTU has physicists and chemists that can connect theoretical modeling to real applications of the health technology industry.”
Read the full article on the website of DTU Health Tech.