Secondment: Masih Fahim visits HiQ-Nano in Lecce
The first secondment of 2022 is for ESR-2 Masih Fahim, a PhD student at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – DTU. He is visiting HiQ-Nano, a spin-off of IIT – Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies at Lecce, Italy. There he will learn and improve the synthesis of fluorescent silica nanoparticles with ESR-7 Maria Ramirez. SuperCol is a huge opportunity for collaborations!
In order to achieve a multidisciplinary and intersectoral training of the ESR’s in the SuperCol network, each ESR will experience short internships at the SuperCol partner organizations and industrial beneficiaries.
Update: Read Masih’s experiences below!
“My first secondment was under the supervision of Maria Ada Malvindi at HiQ-Nano in Lecce, Italy. Here I was working together with Maria Antonieta (Anto) on the synthesis of single- and multicolour silica nanoparticles for our mislocalization studies. I got a better understanding of the possibilities in particle fabrication as I was trained in particle synthesis via Stöber and micro-emulsion methods, the biotinylation of particles and characterization via TEM, Z-potential, spectroscopy and concentration measurements. Not only in the lab did Anto take good care of me, but also outside. We had a great time enjoying good food, going to salsa classes and doing nice trips.”