ESR 05 : Jui-Kai Chen
During my bachelor and master courses in Taiwan, I had been learning the laser trapping technique in Prof. Masuhara’s lab(NYCU). During these 4 years, my research study was about laser trapping of many nano-sized objects such as amino acids or nanoparticles and the following crystallization or directional ejection.
After graduation, I started working in the synchrotron center of Taiwan(NSRRC) as a junior research assistant first and then a beamline manager. In this period of three years, I mainly focused on the research of interaction between biomolecules and membrane. At the same time, I provided beamline service and maintained the endstation facility.
After the end of previous work, I joined Prof. Hofkens’s lab(KU Leuven) and was fortunately accepted as a member in this SuperCol project. I am very excited to have more collaboration with all the other members, research institutes and companies.
Project topic: Design and synthesis of multilayer mixed-action colloids
“Dynamic evolving assemblies or self-consistent light-matter swarms” have been recently reported using different types of objects (metallic and polymeric particles, polymers, and proteins). These assemblies can gather more than hundreds of objects outside the irradiated area, which can only be explained by an expansion of the optical potential, most likely through multiple scattering processes. We will further investigate the unexplored phenomenon of optical binding outside of the irradiated area, which has the potential to generate new, sub-millimeter-sized colloidal assemblies of different variety of material.

Home country
SuperCol partner
KU Leuven
Prof. Dr. Johan Hofkens
Starting date
February 16th 2022
- HiQ-Nano
- University of Fribourg