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Secondment: Xhorxhina Shaulli Visits Sapienza University Of Rome

Secondment: Xhorxhina Shaulli visits Sapienza University of Rome

In order to achieve a multidisciplinary and intersectoral training of the ESR’s in the SuperCol network, each ESR will experience short internships at the SuperCol partner organizations and industrial beneficiaries. Xhorxhina Shaulli (ESR10) from the University of Fribourg just finished the first SuperCol secondment at the Sapienza University of Rome.

Xhorxhina collaborated with Rodrigo Barbosa (ESR15) at the group of Emanuellla Zaccarelli during November and December of 2021. Using as input pNIPAM microgels studied by Xhorxhina experimentally, Rodrigo modelled the same microgels using MD simulations. During the secondment in Rome, they both worked closely, to better understand each other’s work, analyze the obtained data and compare the results.

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